Rawa Danau-Potential Birding

Rawa Danau
Location Indonesia, Banten
Central coordinates 105o 59.00′ East  6o 9.00′ South
IBA criteria A1, A2
Area 4,200 ha
Altitude 0 – 623m
Year of IBA assessment 2004
Burung Indonesia 

Site description Located around 15 km west of Serang or around 130 km west of Jakarta, Rawa Danau (also known as Ranca Danau) is a freshwster lake and surrounded by freshwater swamp forest. Most of the lake surface is covered by water hyacinth, “kasau air”, and other water plant. Rawa Danau surrounded by mountains and only have one outlet pass through Cidana River. Freshwater swamp forest in Rawa Danau is last reamining one in West Java (Silvius et.al.1987). This area has been degraded heavily (Whitten et.al.1996, Wibowo & Suyatno 1998)

Populations of IBA trigger species

Species Season Period Population estimate Quality of estimate IBA Criteria IUCN Category
Lesser Adjutant Leptoptilos javanicus 2004 present [units unknown] A1 Vulnerable
Javan Hawk-eagle Nisaetus bartelsi 2004 present [units unknown] A1 Endangered
Java Sparrow Padda oryzivora 2004 present [units unknown] A1 Vulnerable


Protected areas

Protected area Designation Area (ha) Relationship with IBA Overlap with IBA (ha)
Gunung Tukung Gede Nature Reserve 1,700 protected area contained by site 1,700
Rawa Danau Nature Reserve 2,500 protected area contained by site 2,500



IUCN habitat Habitat detail Extent (% of site)
Wetlands (inland) major




Other biodiversity Sus verrucosus, Presbytis comata, Trachypithecus auratus (van Balen personal communication., MacKinnon et.al.1982, Silvius et.al.1987). Alocasia bantamensis and Coix lachrymajobi, the endemic flora of Indonesia (Directorate General of Tourism, undated)

Management considerations Settlements, wildlife hunting and deforestation (MacKinnon et.al.1982)

Protection status Include Rawa Danau Nature Reserve (declared based on GB No. 60 Stbl.689 on 16 November 1921 with the area of 2500 ha). And Gunung Tukung Gede Nature Reserve (declared based on SK. Menteri Pertanian No. 395/Kpts/Um/8/79 on 23 June 1979 with the area of 1700 ha) (Anon 1997).

References Anon. 1997. Statistik Perlindungan Hutan dan Pelestarian Alam 1996/1997. Departemen Kehutanan dan Perkebunan, Direktorat Jenderal Perlindungan Hutan dan Pelestarian Alam, Jakarta.Directorate General of Tourism. tanpa tahun. Indonesia, National Park and Nature Reserve. Directorate General of Tourism, Jakarta.MacKinnon, J., Smiet, F., and Artha, M.B. 1982. A National Conservation Plan for Indonesia, Vol. III: Java and Bali. UNDP/FAO. Bogor.Melisch R., Noo, Y.R., Giesen, W., Widjanarti, E. and Rudyanto. 1993. An Assestment of the Important of Rawa Danau for Nature Conservation and An Evaluation of Resource Use. Asian Wetlands Bureau, Bogor.Silvius, M.J., Djuharsa, E., Taufik, A. W., Steeman, A.P.J.M, and Berczy, E.T. 1986. The Indonesian Wetland Inventory: A Preliminary Compilation of Information on Wetlands of Indonesia. PHPA-AWB/Interweder & Edwin, Indonesia.Whitten, A.J., Soeriaatmadja, R.E. and Afiff, S.A. 1996. The Ecology of Java and Bali. Periplus edition, Singapore.Wibowo, P. & Suyatno, N. 1998. An overview of Indonesian Wetland Sites – II: an update information – Included in the Indonesian Wetland Database. Wetlands Intenational-Indonesia Programme/PHPA; Bogor

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